Monthly Archives: April 2016

EDT products help LIGO detect Einstein’s gravitational waves

2016/02/11: Big news! EDT products are involved in the exciting announcement that Caltech’s Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) has detected gravitational waves for the first time. Predicted by Albert Einstein 100 years ago, gravitational waves are cosmic ripples which distort space-time itself. The LIGO project uses EDT frame grabbers and fiber extenders / converters, as diagrammed and described in… Read more »

Coming soon: Camera Link fiber-optic extender for medium through extended full mode

2016/04/04: EDT is adding another fiber-optic extender to its VisionLink series for Camera Link. The VisionLink XF extender, for medium through extended full mode, is now in development and will complement the existing VisionLink RCX extender for base mode. A pair of VisionLink XF modules, one connected to the camera and the other connected to the framegrabber,… Read more »

EDT’s compact Camera Link frame grabbers fit in half- or full-height systems

2016/04/04: EDT’s VisionLink-series frame grabbers for Camera Link PCI Express (20-85 MHz) are half-height boards with full- or half-height backpanels. They can fit in full- or half-height systems, providing exceptional flexibility for small spaces. The frame grabbers support optional timecode handling and are compatible with all EDT fiber extension products for long-range operation. – The one-lane… Read more »

EDT Camera Link fiber-optic extenders enable cameras remotely, up to thousands of meters from host computer

2016/04/04: EDT’s fiber-optic extenders convert Camera Link over fiber, exceeding Camera Link limits for remote operation. The compact modules plug directly into Camera Link standard MDR26 connectors  (or, for devices using SDR connectors, the extenders can be connected via adapter cables), allowing direct replacement of length-limited electrical cabling with long-range fiber and enabling remote location of… Read more »