Welcome to our new website!

If you’ve visited our website before, you’ve probably noticed some significant changes. With the launch of our updated site, we’ve moved to a faster server, updated to a modern platform, improved navigation and other features, and updated the overall look and feel.

We’re still working on it, so you might see some minor differences over the next few weeks, but all the content should continue to be accessible. Please feel free to send us any suggestions or comments about the site any time.

Note: If you are having trouble viewing the site properly, make sure your browser is up to date. Specifically, the site may not display correctly with versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer prior to version 9.0.

EDT website thumbnail

EDT | Engineering Design Team, Inc. | 3423 NE John Olsen Avenue | Hillsboro, OR 97124 U.S.A.
Tel +1-503-690-1234 or 800-435-4320 | Fax 503-690-1243 | Email: info@edt.com | Web: www.edt.com | a HEICO Company