EDT fiber extenders now support all Camera Link modes and clock rates

VisionLink Extender Family by EDT

VisionLink RCX for Camera Link base (top) and VisionLink XF for base through 80-bit mode

2017/01/19: Last quarter, EDT expanded its VisionLink series for Camera Link with a new full-mode fiber extender. The VisionLink fiber extenders now include…

VisionLink XF – Camera Link fiber extender for up to 80-bit mode; and

VisionLink RCX – Camera Link fiber extender for base mode only.

Both versions replace electrical cabling with fiber, enabling your applications to exceed the limits of Camera Link. Depending on the fiber-optic transceivers used, the camera can be tens, hundreds, or thousands of meters from the host computer.

The fiber also provides electrical isolation between the camera and the computer.

VisionLink-series extenders are compatible with all EDT frame grabbers, as well as with third-party frame grabbers. In addition, the VisionLink RCX is compatible with the original EDT RCX C-Link fiber extender.

EDT | Engineering Design Team, Inc. | 3423 NE John Olsen Avenue | Hillsboro, OR 97124 U.S.A.
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