EDT announces dual-purpose Camera Link simulator for PCI Express

2010/11/01: EDT, Inc. announces the release of the PCIe8 DV CLS — a dual-purpose Camera Link simulator / framegrabber board for PCI Express.

In simulator mode, the image source can be user-provided data, transferred from host memory via DMA, or fixed, predefined counter data generated on the board itself. The board allows emulation of UART commands and supports line and frame triggering over camera control lines.

In framegrabber mode, the board supports Camera Link functionality for base through full mode, at data rates of up to 850 MB/s. An optional 7-pin Lemo can support external triggering or IRIG-B timecode input.

The board converts between simulator and framegrabber modes with a simple firmware reload.

Like all EDT products, the PCIe8 DV CLS comes with a full software development kit, a common application programming interface, and engineer-to-engineer support.

For details on the PCIe8 DV CLS, see the PCIe8 DV CLS product page.
For details on the PCIe8 DV C-Link, see the PCIe8 DV C-Link product page
For pricing and availability, contact sales.
For technical information, contact technical support.

EDT | Engineering Design Team, Inc. | 3423 NE John Olsen Avenue | Hillsboro, OR 97124 U.S.A.
Tel +1-503-690-1234 or 800-435-4320 | Fax 503-690-1243 | Email: info@edt.com | Web: www.edt.com | a HEICO Company