
00001 /*
00002  * initcam.c -- initialize the device driver, camera and
00003  * PCI DV board for the camera (or simulator) in use
00004  * 
00005  * (C) 1997-2000 Engineering Design Team, Inc.
00006  */
00007 #include "edtinc.h"
00009 static void    usage(char *progname);
00011 /*
00012  * Main module. NO_MAIN is typically only defined when compiling for vxworks; if you
00013  * want to use this code outside of a main module in any other OS, just copy the code
00014  * and modify it to work as a standalone subroutine, including adding parameters in
00015  * place of the command line arguments
00016  */
00017 #ifdef NO_MAIN
00018 #include "opt_util.h"
00019 char *argument ;
00020 int option ;
00021     int
00022 initcam(char *command_line)
00023 #else
00024     int
00025 main(int argc, char *argv[])
00026 #endif
00027 {
00028     int     unit = 0;
00029     int     verbose = 1;
00030     int     no_bitload = 0;
00031     char    cfgname[256];
00032     char    bitdir[256];
00033     char    edt_devname[256];
00034     char    errstr[64];
00035     char   *progname = "initcam" ;
00036     char    logname[256];
00037     EdtDev *edt_p = NULL;
00038     Edtinfo edtinfo;
00039     char   *unitstr = "0";
00040     int     channel = 0 ;
00041     static char *debug_env = NULL;
00042     Dependent *dd_p;
00043     int     pdv_debug = 0;
00044 #ifdef NO_FS
00045     int     nofs_cfg = 0;
00046 #endif
00047     int     level;
00048 #ifdef NO_MAIN
00049     char **argv  = 0 ;
00050     int argc = 0 ;
00051     opt_create_argv("initcam",command_line,&argc,&argv);
00052 #endif
00054     *cfgname = '\0';
00055     *edt_devname = '\0';
00056     *bitdir = '\0';
00057     *logname = '\0';
00059     /* process arguments */
00060     --argc;
00061     ++argv;
00062     while (argc && argv[0][0] == '-')
00063     {
00064         switch (argv[0][1])
00065         {
00066             case 'u':           /* unit (board) number */
00067                 ++argv;
00068                 --argc;
00069                 if (argc < 1) {
00070                     fprintf(stderr, "Error: option 'u' requires argument\n");
00071                     usage(progname);
00072                     exit(1);
00073                 }
00074                 unitstr = argv[0];
00075                 break;
00077             case 'c':           /* channel number for multi-channel devices */
00078                 ++argv;
00079                 --argc;
00080                 if (argc < 1) {
00081                     fprintf(stderr, "Error: option 'c' requires argument\n");
00082                     usage(progname);
00083                     exit(1);
00084                 }
00085                 channel = atoi(argv[0]);
00086                 break;
00088             case 'O':           /* logfile name */
00089                 ++argv;
00090                 --argc;
00091                 if (argc < 1) {
00092                     fprintf(stderr, "Error: option 'O' requires file argument\n");
00093                     usage(progname);
00094                     exit(1);
00095                 }
00096                 strcpy(logname, argv[0]);
00097                 break;
00099             case 'q':           /* quiet mode */
00100                 verbose = 0;
00101                 break;
00103             case 'v':           /* verbose mode */
00104                 verbose = 1;
00105                 break;
00107             case 'V':           /* really verbose mode */
00108                 verbose = 2;
00109                 break;
00111             case 'f':           /* config filename */
00112                 ++argv;
00113                 --argc;
00114                 if (argc < 1) {
00115                     fprintf(stderr, "Error: option 'f' requires argument\n");
00116                     usage(progname);
00117                     exit(1);
00118                 }
00119                 strcpy(cfgname, argv[0]);
00120 #ifdef NO_FS
00121                 strcpy(bitdir, "_NOFS_");
00122                 nofs_cfg = 1;
00123 #endif
00124                 break;
00126             case 'e':           /* no file system embedded bitfile name */
00127 #ifdef NO_FS
00128                 ++argv;
00129                 --argc;
00130                 if (argc < 1) {
00131                     fprintf(stderr, "Error: option 'e' requires argument\n");
00132                     usage(progname);
00133                     exit(1);
00134                 }
00135                 strcpy(cfgname, argv[0]);
00136                 strcpy(bitdir, "_NOFS_");
00137                 nofs_cfg = 1;
00138 #else
00139                 fprintf(stdout, "\n-e specified but not compiled with nofs configs.\nrecompile with -DNO_FS and try again\n\n");
00140                 usage(progname);
00141                 exit(1);
00142 #endif
00143                 break;
00145             case 'B':           /* don't load bitfile */
00146                 no_bitload = 1;
00147                 break;
00149             case 'b':
00150             case 'd':           /* compat */
00151                 ++argv;
00152                 --argc;
00153                 if (argc < 1) {
00154                     fprintf(stderr, "Error: options 'b' or 'd' require argument\n");
00155                     usage(progname);
00156                     exit(1);
00157                 }
00158                 strcpy(bitdir, argv[0]);
00159                 break;
00161             case 'h':           /* help */
00162                 usage(progname);
00163                 exit(0);
00164                 break;
00166             case '-':
00167                 if (strcmp(argv[0], "--help") == 0) {
00168                     usage(progname);
00169                     exit(0);
00170                 } else {
00171                     fprintf(stderr, "unknown option: %s\n", argv[0]);
00172                     usage(progname);
00173                     exit(1);
00174                 }
00175                 break;
00177             default:
00178                 fprintf(stdout, "unknown flag -'%c'\n", argv[0][1]);
00179                 usage(progname);
00180                 exit(1);
00181         }
00182         argc--;
00183         argv++;
00184     }
00186     if (!(*cfgname))
00187     {
00188         usage(progname);
00189         exit(1);
00190     }
00192     /*
00193      * not using pdv_open to open, but still using pdvlib calls, so force
00194      * debug if -v or -V or PDVDEBUG envvar
00195      */
00196     if (debug_env == NULL
00197             && ((debug_env = (char *) getenv("PDVDEBUG")) != NULL)
00198             && *debug_env != '0')
00199         pdv_debug = atoi(debug_env);
00201     /*
00202      * normally the pdvlib error handle gets initialized in pdv_open, but
00203      * initcam is a special case since it calls edt_open but also uses
00204      * pdvlib calls -- see edt_msg library.
00205      */
00206     level = edt_msg_default_level();
00208     if ((verbose > 1) && (pdv_debug < verbose))
00209         pdv_debug = verbose;
00211     if ((!verbose) && (!pdv_debug))
00212         level = 0;
00213     else
00214     {
00215         if (verbose > 0)
00216         {
00217             level |= EDTAPP_MSG_INFO_1;
00218             level |= PDVLIB_MSG_INFO_1;
00219             level |= PDVLIB_MSG_WARNING;
00220             level |= PDVLIB_MSG_FATAL;
00221         }
00222         if (verbose > 1)
00223             level |= EDTAPP_MSG_INFO_2;
00224         if (pdv_debug > 1)
00225             level |= PDVLIB_MSG_INFO_2;
00226     }
00228     edt_msg_set_level(edt_msg_default_handle(), level);
00229     if (*logname)
00230         edt_msg_set_name(edt_msg_default_handle(), logname);
00232     /* kind of kludgy... since pdv_setdebug doesn't actually USE edt_p,
00233      * its okay that it hasn't been opened yet , hence the NULL pointer
00234      */
00235     if (pdv_debug)
00236         pdv_setdebug(NULL, pdv_debug);
00238     /*
00239      * if porting this code to an application, be sure to free this 
00240      * and reallocate if you call pdv_initcam multiple times.
00241      */
00242     if ((dd_p = pdv_alloc_dependent()) == NULL)
00243     {
00244         edt_msg(PDVLIB_MSG_FATAL, "alloc_dependent FAILED -- exiting\n");
00245         exit(1);
00246     }
00248 #ifdef NO_FS
00249     if (nofs_cfg)
00250     {
00251         int ret ; /* randall how should we deal with this? */
00252         ret = pdv_readcfg_emb(cfgname, dd_p, &edtinfo);
00253     }
00254     else
00255 #endif
00256         if (pdv_readcfg(cfgname, dd_p, &edtinfo) != 0)
00257         {
00258             edt_msg(PDVLIB_MSG_FATAL, "readcfg FAILED -- exiting\n");
00259             exit(1);
00260         }
00262     if (no_bitload)
00263         strcpy(dd_p->rbtfile, "_SKIPPED_");
00265     /*
00266      * open the device
00267      */
00268     unit = edt_parse_unit_channel(unitstr, edt_devname, "pdv", &channel);
00269     edt_msg(EDTAPP_MSG_INFO_1, "opening %s unit %d....\n", edt_devname, unit);
00271     /*
00272      * IMPORTANT: pdv_initcam is a special case in that it requies a device pointer returned by use
00273      * edt_open_channel (or edt_open), NOT pdv_open_channel (or etc.). If you port this code to an
00274      * application that subsequently performs other operations (e.g. image capture) on the device,
00275      * edt_close should be called after pdv_initcam, then reopen with pdv_open_channel or pdv_open.
00276      */
00277     if ((edt_p = edt_open_channel(edt_devname, unit, channel)) == NULL)
00278     {
00279         sprintf(errstr, "edt_open(%s%d)", edt_devname, unit);
00280         edt_perror(errstr);
00281         return (1);
00282     }
00284     if (pdv_is_simulator(edt_p))
00285     {
00286         edt_msg(EDTAPP_MSG_FATAL,"\ninitcam is for framegrabbers. To initialize an EDT simulator board, use clsiminit.\n");
00287         edt_close(edt_p);
00288         exit(1);
00289     }
00291     if (edt_p->devid == PDVFOI_ID)
00292     {
00293 #ifdef _FOI_SUPPORTED
00294         pdv_initcam_set_rci(edt_p, channel) ;
00295 #else
00296         edt_msg(EDTAPP_MSG_FATAL,"FOI not supported after pkg v4.1.5.9\n");
00297         edt_close(edt_p);
00298         exit(1);
00299 #endif
00300     }
00303     if (pdv_initcam(edt_p, dd_p, unit, &edtinfo, cfgname, bitdir,
00304                 pdv_debug) != 0)
00305     {
00306         edt_msg(EDTAPP_MSG_FATAL,"initcam failed. Run with '-V' to see complete debugging output\n");
00307         edt_close(edt_p);
00308         exit(1);
00309     }
00311     edt_close(edt_p);
00312     edt_msg(EDTAPP_MSG_FATAL, "done\n");
00313 #ifdef NO_MAIN
00314     return(0) ;
00315 #else
00316     exit(0);
00317 #endif
00318 }
00320     static void
00321 usage(char *progname)
00322 {
00323 #ifdef NO_FS
00324     printf("usage: %s [options] [-e <cfg_name> | -f <cfg_path>]\n", progname);
00325 #else
00326     printf("usage: %s [options] -f <cfg_path>\n", progname);
00327 #endif
00328     printf("     -b <bit_dir>  alternate bitfiles directory\n");
00329     printf("     -B            don't load the bitfile\n");
00330     printf("     -f <cfg_path> config file pathname (required)\n");
00331     printf("     -e <cfg_name> embedded config (for no-filesystem operation -- must be compiled with -DNO_FS)\n");
00332     printf("     -u <unit>     pdv unit number (default 0). A full device pathname\n");
00333     printf("                   or filename can be substituted \n");
00334     printf("     -c <channel>  channel #, for multi-channel boards\n");
00335 #ifdef _FOI_SUPPORTED
00336     printf("     -F <foiunit>  FOI (RCI) unit number, when multiple RCI units exist\n");
00337 #endif
00338     printf("                   (usually -F and -c are used together, with both specifying the same #)\n");
00339     printf("     -v, -V        verbose, and really verbose\n");
00340     printf("     -O logfile    output log file, will redirect any console output to specified file\n");
00341     printf("     -q            quiet; no output\n");
00342     printf("     -h, --help    this help message\n");
00343     printf("\n");
00344 }

Generated on 19 Jun 2015 by  doxygen 1.4.7