[EDT DMA Library]

Detailed Description

Utility functions.


#define edt_has_chanreg(edt_p)   (ID_HAS_CHANREG(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_has_combined_fpga(edt_p)   (ID_HAS_COMBINED_FPGA(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_has_irigb(edt_p)   (ID_HAS_IRIGB(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_1553(edt_p)   (ID_IS_1553(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_16bit_prom(edt_p)   (ID_HAS_16BIT_PROM(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_16channel(edt_p)   (ID_IS_16CHANNEL(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_1lane(edt_p)   (ID_IS_1LANE(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_1or4channel(edt_p)   (ID_IS_1OR4CHANNEL(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_2channel(edt_p)   (ID_IS_2CHANNEL(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_32channel(edt_p)   (ID_IS_32CHANNEL(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_3channel(edt_p)   (ID_IS_3CHANNEL(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_4channel(edt_p)   (ID_IS_4CHANNEL(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_4lane(edt_p)   (ID_IS_4LANE(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_8lane(edt_p)   (ID_IS_8LANE(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_dummy(edt_p)   (ID_IS_DUMMY(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_dv_multichannel(edt_p)   (edt_is_dvcl(edt_p) || edt_is_dvfox(edt_p) || edt_p->devid == PDVAERO_ID)
#define edt_is_dvcl(edt_p)   (ID_IS_DVCL(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_dvcl2(edt_p)   (ID_IS_DVCL2(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_dvcls(edt_p)   (ID_IS_DVCLS(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_dvfox(edt_p)   (ID_IS_DVFOX(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_fciusps(edt_p)   (ID_IS_FCIUSPS(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_micron_prom(edt_p)   (ID_IS_MICRON_PROM(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_multichan(edt_p)   (ID_IS_MULTICHAN(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_pcd(edt_p)   (ID_IS_PCD(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_pcie_dvfox(edt_p)   (ID_IS_PCIE_DVFOX(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_pdv(edt_p)   (ID_IS_PDV(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_simulator(edt_p)   (ID_IS_DVCL2(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_is_unknown(edt_p)   (ID_IS_UNKNOWN(edt_p->devid))
#define edt_stores_macaddrs(edt_p)   (ID_STORES_MACADDRS(edt_p->devid))
#define has_pcda_direction_bit(edt_p)   (ID_HAS_PCD_DIR_BIT(edt_p->devid))


int edt_access (char *fname, int perm)
 Determines file access, independent of operating system.
int edt_check_version (EdtDev *edt_p)
 compares version strings between library and driver, returns 0 if they aren't the same
int edt_device_id (EdtDev *edt_p)
 Gets the device ID of the specified device.
const char * edt_envvar_from_devstr (const char *devstr)
const char * edt_envvar_from_devtype (const int devtype)
u_int edt_errno (void)
 Returns an operating system-dependent error number.
int edt_find_xpn (char *part_number, char *fpga)
 Reads the default part number->fpga cross-reference file edt_parts.xpn in the current directory, and provides the FPGA if a match is found.
u_char edt_flipbits (u_char val)
int edt_get_bitname (EdtDev *edt_p, char *bitpath, int size)
 Obtains the name of the currently loaded interface bitfile from the driver.
int edt_get_bitpath (EdtDev *edt_p, char *bitpath, int size)
 Obtains pathname to the currently loaded interface bitfile from the driver.
u_int edt_get_board_id (EdtDev *edt_p)
 Gets the mezzanine id.
u_int edt_get_dma_info (EdtDev *edt_p, edt_dma_info *dmainfo)
 Gets information about active dma.
int edt_get_driver_buildid (EdtDev *edt_p, char *build, int size)
 Gets the full build ID of the EDT library.
int edt_get_driver_version (EdtDev *edt_p, char *versionstr, int size)
 Gets the version of the EDT driver.
void edt_get_esn (EdtDev *edt_p, char *esn)
 Retrieve the board's embedded information string from the PCI xilinx information header.
u_int edt_get_full_board_id (EdtDev *edt_p, int *extended_n, int *rev_id, u_int *extended_data)
 Gets the mezzanine id including extended data.
char * edt_get_last_bitpath (EdtDev *edt_p)
int edt_get_library_buildid (EdtDev *edt_p, char *build, int size)
 Gets the full build ID of the EDT library.
int edt_get_library_version (EdtDev *edt_p, char *versionstr, int size)
 Gets the version (number and date) of the EDT library.
int edt_get_mezz_bitpath (EdtDev *edt_p, char *bitpath, int size)
 Obtains pathname to the currently loaded mezzanine bitfile from the driver.
int edt_get_mezz_chan_bitpath (EdtDev *edt_p, char *bitpath, int size, int channel)
 Obtains pathname to the currently loaded mezzanine bitfile from the driver.
u_int edt_get_mezz_id (EdtDev *edt_p)
void edt_get_osn (EdtDev *edt_p, char *osn)
 Retrieve the board OEM's embedded information string from the PCI xilinx information header.
void edt_get_sns_sector (EdtDev *edt_p, char *esn, char *osn, int sector)
 Retrieve the board's manufacturer and OEM embedded information strings strings from the PCI xilinx information header.
u_int edt_get_version_number ()
int edt_get_xref_info (const char *path, const char *pn, char *fpga, char *sn, char *mtype, char *moffs, char *mcount, char *desc, char *rsvd1, char *rsvd2)
 Reads a part number->fpga cross-reference file and provides the fpga and base serial number if a match is found.
const char * edt_home_dir (EdtDev *edt_p)
char * edt_idstr (int id)
 Converts the board ID returned by edt_device_id to a human readable form (original version, sans promcode).
char * edt_idstring (int id, int promcode)
 Converts the board ID returned by edt_device_id to a human readable form (new version, with promcode).
uint_t edt_overflow (EdtDev *edt_p)
int edt_parse_devinfo (char *str, Edt_embinfo *ei)
 Parse the board's embedded information string.
int edt_parse_esn (char *str, Edt_embinfo *ei)
int edt_parse_unit (const char *str, char *dev, const char *default_dev)
 Parses an EDT device name string.
int edt_parse_unit_channel (const char *str, char *dev, const char *default_dev, int *channel)
 parse -u argument returning the device and unit.
void edt_perror (char *str)
 Formats and prints a system error.
int edt_set_bitpath (EdtDev *edt_p, const char *bitpath)
 Sets pathname to the currently loaded user interface bitfile in the driver.
int edt_set_mezz_bitpath (EdtDev *edt_p, const char *bitpath)
 Sets pathname to the currently loaded mezzanine bitfile in the driver.
int edt_set_mezz_chan_bitpath (EdtDev *edt_p, const char *bitpath, int channel)
 Sets pathname to the currently loaded mezzanine bitfile in the driver.
u_int edt_set_mezz_id (EdtDev *edt_p)
int edt_system (const char *cmdstr)
 Performs a UNIX-like system() call which passes the argument strings to a shell or command interpreter, then returns the exit status of the command or the shell so that errors can be detected.
char * edt_timestring (u_int *timep)

Function Documentation

int edt_access ( char *  fname,
int  perm 

Determines file access, independent of operating system.

This a convenience routine that maps to access() on Unix/Linux systems and _access() on Windows systems.

fname path name of file to check access permissions
perm permission flag(s) to test for. See documentation for access() (Unix/Linux) or _access() (Windows) for valid values.
 if(edt_access("file.ras", F_OK))
     printf("Warning: overwriting file %s\n", "file.ras");

0 on success, -1 on failure

Definition at line 452 of file edt_os_nt.c.

int edt_device_id ( EdtDev edt_p  ) 

Gets the device ID of the specified device.

The board ID can be compared to specific board IDs listed in edtreg.h. To check if the specific board is part of a broader type, like PCD or PDV, macros such as edt_is_pcd and edt_is_pdv can be used.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel

Definition at line 7282 of file libedt.c.

u_int edt_errno ( void   ) 

Returns an operating system-dependent error number.

32-bit integer representing the operating system-dependent error number generated by an error.
 if ((edt_p = edt_open("pcd", 0)) == NULL)
     edt_perror("edt_open failed");

Definition at line 2947 of file libedt.c.

int edt_find_xpn ( char *  part_number,
char *  fpga 

Reads the default part number->fpga cross-reference file edt_parts.xpn in the current directory, and provides the FPGA if a match is found.

Equivalent to calling edt_find_get_xref_info with edt_parts.xpn as the filename. See /ref edt_find_xref_fpga for complete description.

fpga is a character array into which the fpga type will be stored (e.g. 'xc2s100e' will be returned for the part_number '01901933'). An array of 128 bytes will be more than enough for the foreseeable future.
1 if found 8 or 10 digit match, 0 if not

Definition at line 8425 of file libedt.c.

int edt_get_bitname ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  bitpath,
int  size 

Obtains the name of the currently loaded interface bitfile from the driver.

The program bitload sets this string in the driver when an interface bitfile is successfully loaded.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
bitpath address of a character buffer of at least 128 bytes
size number of bytes in the above character buffer
0 on success, -1 on failure.
See also:

Definition at line 7982 of file libedt.c.

int edt_get_bitpath ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  bitpath,
int  size 

Obtains pathname to the currently loaded interface bitfile from the driver.

The program bitload sets this string in the driver when an interface bitfile is successfully loaded.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
bitpath address of a character buffer of at least 128 bytes
size number of bytes in the above character buffer
0 on success, -1 on failure.
See also:

Definition at line 7957 of file libedt.c.

u_int edt_get_board_id ( EdtDev edt_p  ) 

Gets the mezzanine id.

mezzanine id
This function works on SS and GS boards to read the mezzanine board ids. It actually calls edt_get_full_board_id and ignores the extended data and rev_id returned from that function.

Definition at line 9164 of file libedt.c.

u_int edt_get_dma_info ( EdtDev edt_p,
edt_dma_info dmainfo 

Gets information about active dma.

Use this function to determine whether this or another open process has enabled DMA or image acquisition on any channel of a specific board (unit)

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
dmainfo pointer to struct of type edt_dma_info (defined in libedt.h ), which has three fields containing hex values, with each bit in a field representing a channel that has been used, allocated or is currently active, as follows:
 typedef struct
     uint_t     used_dma ;   // which channels have started dma within current open/close
     uint_t     alloc_dma ;  // which channels have has allocated > 1 ring buffer
     uint_t     active_dma ; // which channels have dma active right now
 } edt_dma_info ;
 // this code checks whether this or some other process has done or is
 // currently doing DMA on a given unit / channel, and prints out a warning
 // if there is a possibility of a conflict based on the results

 edt_dma_info tmpinfo ;
 EdtDev *edt_p = edt_open_channel(EDT_INTERFACE, unit, channel);
 u_int tmpmask = edt_get_dma_info(edt_p, &tmpinfo);

 if (tmpinfo.active_dma & (1 << channel))
     printf("Warning: DMA is currently active on unit %d ch. %d.\n", unit, channel);
     printf("It is not safe to start another DMA on this unit/channel at this time.\n");
 if (tmpinfo.used_dma & 1 << channel))
     printf("Warning: this or another process has already opened and done DMA on unit %d channel %d.\n", unit, channel);
     printf("It may not be safe to start DMA on this unit/channel outside the currently opened process.\n");

mask of all of the above or'd together
See also:
setdebug.c Utility for example of use

Definition at line 8400 of file libedt.c.

int edt_get_driver_buildid ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  build,
int  size 

Gets the full build ID of the EDT library.

The build ID string is the same format as that returned by edt_get_library_buildid.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
build a string large enough to hold the build information (128 bytes is sufficient).
size the size, in bytes, of the user-allocated string
See also:

Definition at line 8038 of file libedt.c.

int edt_get_driver_version ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  version,
int  size 

Gets the version of the EDT driver.

The version string is the same format as that returned by edt_get_library_version.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
version a string large enough to hold the version information (64 bytes is sufficient).
size the size, in bytes, of the user-allocated string

Definition at line 8014 of file libedt.c.

void edt_get_esn ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  esn 

Retrieve the board's embedded information string from the PCI xilinx information header.

The EDT manufacturer's part numbers is embedded in an unused area of the Xilinx FPGA PROM, and is preserved across reloads (via pciload, hubload, etc.) unless options to overwrite are invoked in one of those utilities. This subroutine retrieves the EDT serial number portion of that information.

The data is an ASCII string, with the following colon-separated fields:

serial number:part number:clock speed:options:revision:interface xilinx:macaddrs:

(To see the information string, run pciload with no arguments.)

Information embedding was implemented in Sept. 2004; boards shipped before that time will yield a string with all NULLS unless the board's FPGA has since been updated with the embedded information.
edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open
esn the EDT part number without dashes.
See also:
edt_get_sns, edt_get_osn, edt_parse_devinfo, edt_fmt_pn

Definition at line 812 of file edt_flash.c.

u_int edt_get_full_board_id ( EdtDev edt_p,
int *  extended_n,
int *  rev_id,
u_int *  extended_data 

Gets the mezzanine id including extended data.

extended_n pointer to int to receive the number of extended data elements
rev_id pointer to int to fill in with the mezzanine rev_id
extended_data pointer to array to fill in with extended data elements
mezzanine id
This function works on SS and GS boards to read the mezzanine board ids. If the id is an "extended" id, it reads the eeprom on the mezzanine including the extended data array.

The following values could be returned instead of the mezzanine id, if the mezzanine id couldn't be determined:
MEZZ_ERR_NO_BITFILE Indicates that no UI bitfile is loaded, so the mezzanine id couldn't be determined.

MEZZ_ERR_BAD_BITSTREAM Indicates an error while looking up the extended board info. Before EDT ticket #95 is fixed, this could also result when the ui bitfile is pciss4test and the mezz. board is 3X3G.

MEZZ_ERR_NO_REGISTER Indicates that a bitfile has been loaded into the UI which doesn't support the extended board id register. All EDT UI bitfiles should support this, so contact EDT if this occurs.

MEZZ_UNKN_EXTBDID Indicates that the board id is extended but the UI bitfile doesn't support this functionality. This is also unlikely - contact EDT if you see this.

If any of those values are returned, load a bitfile which supports the extended board id register, such as pciss1test, pciss4test, or pciss16test (depending on channels), or 3x3g.bit for the 3X3G board.

Definition at line 9000 of file libedt.c.

int edt_get_library_buildid ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  build,
int  size 

Gets the full build ID of the EDT library.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
build a string large enough to hold the build information (128 bytes is sufficient).
size the size, in bytes, of the user-allocated string
See also:

Definition at line 8112 of file libedt.c.

int edt_get_library_version ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  version,
int  size 

Gets the version (number and date) of the EDT library.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
version a string large enough to hold the version information (64 bytes is sufficient).
size the size, in bytes, of the user-allocated string
See also:

Definition at line 8062 of file libedt.c.

int edt_get_mezz_bitpath ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  bitpath,
int  size 

Obtains pathname to the currently loaded mezzanine bitfile from the driver.

The edt_bitload sets this string in the driver when a mezzanine bitfile is successfully loaded.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
bitpath address of a character buffer of at least 128 bytes
size number of bytes in the above character buffer
0 on success, -1 on failure.
See also:

Definition at line 7903 of file libedt.c.

int edt_get_mezz_chan_bitpath ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  bitpath,
int  size,
int  channel 

Obtains pathname to the currently loaded mezzanine bitfile from the driver.

The edt_bitload sets this string in the driver when a mezzanine bitfile is successfully loaded.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
bitpath address of a character buffer of at least 128 bytes
size number of bytes in the above character buffer
0 on success, -1 on failure.
See also:

Definition at line 7826 of file libedt.c.

void edt_get_osn ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  osn 

Retrieve the board OEM's embedded information string from the PCI xilinx information header.

Some OEMs embed part number or other information about the board in an unused area of the Xilinx FPGA PROM. This information is preserved across reloads (via pciload, hubload, etc.) unless options to overwrite are invoked in one of those utilities. This subroutine retrieves the OEM serial number portion of that information.

Information embedding was implemented in Sept. 2004; boards shipped before that time will yield a string with all NULLS unless the board's FPGA has since been updated with the embedded information.
edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open
osn the OEM's part number, if present.
See also:
edt_get_sns, edt_get_esn, edt_fmt_pn

Definition at line 834 of file edt_flash.c.

void edt_get_sns_sector ( EdtDev edt_p,
char *  esn,
char *  osn,
int  sector 

Retrieve the board's manufacturer and OEM embedded information strings strings from the PCI xilinx information header.

Certain information about the board, including manufacturer's part number, serial number, clock speed, Xilinx FPGA, and options, is embedded in an unused area of the Xilinx FPGA PROM at the time of manufacture. This information is preserved across reloads (via pciload, hubload, etc.) unless options overwrite are invoked in the utility. This subroutine retrieves EDT and OEM (if present) information. The data is an ASCII string, with the following colon-separated fields:

serial number:part number:clock speed:options:revision:interface xilinx:

(To see the information string, run pciload with no arguments.)

Information embedding was implemented in Sept. 2004; boards shipped before that time will yield a string with all NULLS unless the board's FPGA has since been updated with the embedded information.
edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open
esn the EDT part number without dashes.
osn the OEM's part number, if present.
See also:
edt_get_esn, edt_get_osn, edt_parse_devinfo, edt_fmt_pn

Definition at line 1011 of file edt_flash.c.

int edt_get_xref_info ( const char *  path,
const char *  pn,
char *  fpga,
char *  sn,
char *  mtype,
char *  moffs,
char *  mcount,
char *  desc,
char *  rsvd1,
char *  rsvd2 

Reads a part number->fpga cross-reference file and provides the fpga and base serial number if a match is found.

Opens the file specified in the path argument (e.g. edt_parts.xpn) and compares the entries with the provided part number. If a match is found, it will be copied to the fpga argument. Will also copy a serial number if found. Format of the file is ASCII text, one line per part number, as follows:

part_number fpga serial description (serial is optional and not present in earlier files)

Anything after the third item is ignored, and can be blank but should typically be the description (name of the device). Since files originally had only two fields and no serial number, an attempt is made to determine if the 3rd field looks like a serial # and copies that if so, otherwise sets the first character null.

path const character array containing path of the xref fpga file (typ. edt_parts.xpn).
part_number character array in which to store the part number, should be 8 or 10 digits. The last 2 digits of 10 digit part no. are the rev no. If a match with a 10-digit number is found, returns with the info from that one. If no 10-digit match is found but an 8-digit is found, returns with that info. That way we can have some numbers return a match regardless of rev, and others that cover a specific rev that takes precedence.
fpga a character array (64-bytes is sufficient) into which the fpga will be stored (e.g. xc2s100e' will be returned for the part_number '01901933'). If NULL this parameter will be ignored.
serial a character array into which the base serial number will be stored. An array of 64 bytes is sufficient, or NULL (ignored).
mac_type,: a character array (8 bytes is sufficient) into which the mac address board type (as a character string) will be stored. If NULL this parameter will be ignored.
mac_offset,: a character array (8 bytes is sufficient) into which the mac address offset will be stored. If NULL this parameter will be ignored.
nmacs,: a character array (8 bytes is sufficient) into which the number of mac addresses (as a character string) for this board type will be stored. If NULL this parameter will be ignored.
rsvd1,: reserved
rsvd2,: reserved
number of parameters successfully assigned, or 0 if none.

Definition at line 8463 of file libedt.c.

char* edt_idstr ( int  id  ) 

Converts the board ID returned by edt_device_id to a human readable form (original version, sans promcode).

For new 'a' boards that used the same devid as older versions (i.e. PCIe8 DV C-Link, PCIe4 DVa c-link, PCIe8 DV CLS) this subroutine will return without the 'a' suffix; therefore this subroutine should no longer be called directly; instead use edt_idstring() to make sure those boards get properly IDd.

id the board's hardware ID
The id string of this board, with no check to see if it's an 'a board' (e.g. "pcie4 dv c-link")

Definition at line 7402 of file libedt.c.

char* edt_idstring ( int  id,
int  promcode 

Converts the board ID returned by edt_device_id to a human readable form (new version, with promcode).

Supersedes edt_idstr which didn't take promcode now needed with new 'a' boards, some of which are detected via combination of ID and PROM code.

id the board's hardware ID
promcode the board's prom code, as defined in libedt.h
The id string of this board, e.g. "pcie4 dva c-link"

Definition at line 7379 of file libedt.c.

int edt_parse_devinfo ( char *  str,
Edt_embinfo ei 

Parse the board's embedded information string.

During manufacturing programming, EDT embeds selected information is embedded into an unused area of the FPGA PROM. This information is preserved across reloads (via pciload, hubload, etc.) unless options to overwrite are invoked in one of those utilities. This subroutine takes as an argument the full information string, as retrieved from edt_get_esn, edt_get_osn or edt_get_sns, into the fields indicated by the Edt_embinfo structure.

(To see the information string, run pciload with no arguments.)

Information embedding was implemented in Sept. 2004; boards shipped before that time will yield a string with all NULLS unless the board's FPGA has since been updated with the embedded information.
str embedded inforamtion string, with information from one of the serial number retrieval subroutines (edt_get_esn, etc.)
ei Edt_embinfo structure into which the the parsed information will be put
See also:
edt_readinfo, edt_get_esn, edt_fmt_pn
0 on success, -1 on error (input string not valid or too long)

Definition at line 2686 of file edt_flash.c.

int edt_parse_unit ( const char *  str,
char *  dev,
const char *  default_dev 

Parses an EDT device name string.

Fills in the name of the device, with the default_device if specified, or a default determined by the package, and returns a unit number. Designed to facilitate a flexible device/unit command line argument scheme for application programs. Most EDT example/utility programs use this susubroutine to allow users to specify either a unit number alone or a device/unit number concatenation.

For example, if you are using a PCI CD, then either xtest -u 0 or xtest -u pcd0 could both be used, since xtest sends the argument to edt_parse_unit, and the subroutine parses the string and returns the device and unit number separately.

str device name string from command line. Should be either a unit number ("0" - "8") or device/unit concantenation ("pcd0," "pcd1," etc.)
dev array to hold the device device string; filled in by ths routine.
default_dev device name to use if none is given in the str argument. If NULL, will be filled in by the default device for the package in use. For example, if the code base is from a PCI CD package, the default_dev will be set to "pcd."
Unit number, or -1 on error. The first device is unit 0.
See also:
example/utility programs xtest.c, initcam.c, simple_take.c.

Definition at line 6386 of file libedt.c.

int edt_parse_unit_channel ( const char *  instr,
char *  dev,
const char *  default_dev,
int *  channel_ptr 

parse -u argument returning the device and unit.

unit or -1 on failure (as well as device in dev, and channel in channel_ptr).
instr The input string. The argument of the -u option (like "0" or "pcd0" for example).
dev An array large enough to hold the device name, which is set by this function.
default_dev The default device to copy to dev if instr doesn't specify device. If NULL, EDT_INTERFACE will be used (which is "pcd" for pcd boards, "pdv" for dv boards, etc.).
channel_ptr The channel specified in instr, or 0 (set by this function). If channel_ptr is NULL or -1, it is ignored and unchanged.

Definition at line 6247 of file libedt.c.

void edt_perror ( char *  errstr  ) 

Formats and prints a system error.

errstr Error string to include in printed error output.
See also:
edt_errno for an example

Definition at line 2909 of file libedt.c.

int edt_set_bitpath ( EdtDev edt_p,
const char *  bitpath 

Sets pathname to the currently loaded user interface bitfile in the driver.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
bitpath address of a character buffer of at most 128 bytes
0 on success, -1 on failure.
See also:
edt_get_bitpath, edt_set_mezz_bitpath

Definition at line 7926 of file libedt.c.

int edt_set_mezz_bitpath ( EdtDev edt_p,
const char *  bitpath 

Sets pathname to the currently loaded mezzanine bitfile in the driver.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
bitpath address of a character buffer of at most 128 bytes
0 on success, -1 on failure.
See also:
edt_get_mezz_bitpath, edt_set_bitpath

Definition at line 7868 of file libedt.c.

int edt_set_mezz_chan_bitpath ( EdtDev edt_p,
const char *  bitpath,
int  channel 

Sets pathname to the currently loaded mezzanine bitfile in the driver.

edt_p pointer to edt device structure returned by edt_open or edt_open_channel
bitpath address of a character buffer of at most 128 bytes
channel which of two channels (0 or 1) this refers to
0 on success, -1 on failure.
See also:
edt_get_mezz_bitpath, edt_set_bitpath

Definition at line 7766 of file libedt.c.

int edt_system ( const char *  cmdstr  ) 

Performs a UNIX-like system() call which passes the argument strings to a shell or command interpreter, then returns the exit status of the command or the shell so that errors can be detected.

In WINDOWS spawnl() must be used instead of system() for this purpose.

Definition at line 7590 of file libedt.c.

Generated on 19 Jun 2015 by  doxygen 1.4.7