2016/09/21: EDT announces its new Camera Link fiber-optic extender, VisionLink XF, for base through 80-bit mode. The new extender, like the recently-released VisionLink RCX for base mode only, supports 20-85 MHz and transfers real-time image data to a host computer over distances of tens to thousands of meters.
The new VisionLink XF improves on our previous full-mode solution by supporting up to 85 MHz via two extenders and one duplex fiberoptic cable.
Like all EDT extenders, the VisionLink XF supports triggering / serial via Camera Link or externally via an optional Lemo connector. The extenders work in pairs, joined by fiberoptic cabling: one extender connects to the camera and the other to an EDT or third-party frame grabber, forming a fiber-optic extension system.
All EDT fiber extension products allow Camera Link cabling to be replaced with fiber-optic, enabling remote operation and providing electrical isolation of the camera from the host computer.