ATA Bridge
The ATA Bridge is an auxiliary board that connects two EDT main boards (PCI SS, PCI GS, or PCIe8 LX) via the ATA-type connectors at the top of the boards. By connecting two main boards directly, the Bridge allows you... Read more »
Auxiliary boards
Auxiliary boards for FPGA I/O main boards
Mechanical / fan board
Mechanical / Fan Board
The EDT Fan board is a mezzanine board that provides mechanical support, a backpanel, and a cooling fan for an EDT main board being used as a hardware accelerator. The Fan board can be paired with any EDT main board... Read more »
Time distribution board
Time Distribution Board
Time Distribution is an auxiliary board that receives a time code signal (from a 1 pps or IRIG-B time code source) and distributes it to multiple EDT main boards to timestamp data. One header allows communication from the main board... Read more »