PCI SS Main Board

PCI SS main board
Xilinx Virtex-E XCV1000E FPGA

The PCI SS has been discontinued and is no longer available. The information on this page is provided for use by existing customers.

The PCI SS (for PCI) is a main board that provides powerful high-speed DMA, memory, and programmable FPGA resources. It is designed to support any one of numerous EDT mezzanine boards.

The PCI SS has a programmable FPGA (Xilinx Virtex-E XCV1000E or optional 2000E or 600E) and synchronous memory of up to 8 MB SRAM.

The board also has four independent programmable PLL clock generators, which can be set to select frequencies with less than +/- 50 ppm error.

An ATA bridge can be ordered to link two main boards together.


System must have a PCI or PCI-X bus, 66 MHz or faster (33 MHz will work, but at reduced data rates). See system requirements.


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