PCIe8 LX Main Board

PCIe8 LX Main board
Xilinx Virtex 5 LX or FX FPGA

The PCIe8 LX is a fast, flexible x8 PCI Express board with large memory and FPGA resources, making it an ideal choice as a hardware accelerator. It also has PCIe DMA capabilities and can be used as a base board for an EDT or third-party I/O mezzanine board.

The PCIe8 LX provides the following features:

  • One large programmable Xilinx FPGA (Virtex 5 LXT or FXT)
  • Powerful high-speed DMA (up to 1.6 GB per second)
  • DRAM of up to 2 GB (DDR2 SODIMM)
  • SRAM of 8 MB
  • Four independent PLL clock generators, each of which can be set to select frequencies from 1 to 45 MHz with less than +/- 50 ppm error

The PCIe8 LX has an industry-standard connector to support either a user-provided module or a variety of EDT mezzanine boards. If used without a mezzanine board, a mechanical/fan daughterboard should be used, to provide cooling and mechanical (backpanel) support.

An ATA Bridge can be used to link two main boards together.


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