SSE Mezzanine

SSE Mezzanine
Synchronous serial ECL interface

The SSE is a mezzanine board that pairs with an EDT main board (for PCI or PCI Express) for high-speed data transfer. It supports three channels (two input and one output) of ECL.

The SSE mezzanine samples the data on the rising edge of the clock and stores it in host memory via the main board. Each channel supports one differential data signal (two wires) and one differential clock (two more wires). Input signals are terminated through 50 ohms to -2 V.

The SSE mezzanine can be custom-configured to support thirty-two additional ECL, LVDS, or RS422 signals in groups of four. The board also can be configured to support one additional signal for applications requiring notification of the start or end of a block transfer.

The PCI SS comes with device drivers and SDK for Windows, and Linux. For details on system requirements and EDT-provided software driver packages, see specifications for your EDT main board  (PCIe8 LXPCI GS, or legacy PCI SS).


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