DRX Mezzanine

Xilinx Virtex 5 SX FPGA - 12-bit, 10-250MHz

The DRX is a discontinued product, and is no longer supported. This information is provided for reference only.

The DRX is a mezzanine board that pairs with an AMC main board. It has two configurable IF input channels; for each channel, you can choose a lowpass filter or a bandpass filter.

The lowpass filter has a -3 dB cutoff at 105 MHz and is used for IFs from 10 to 90 MHz. The bandpass filter has a center frequency of 140 MHz or 160 MHz, selected when ordering.

For each channel, the filtered IF signal is digitized with 12-bit precision at a sample rate programmable to 10-250 MHz. Both channels of digital sample data are available as inputs to the Xilinx Virtex 5 SX FPGA. This FPGA connects directly to the main board FPGA through a high-speed LVDS data interface and some additional control signals. Two optional Graychips (GC4016) for narrowband tuning also connect to the FPGA, which is user configurable.

For the timebase, you can use the 10 MHz TCXO provided, or connect your own source via the reference input.

The AMC FX5 main board supplies additional memory and FPGA resources, as well as a 1 pps or IRIG-B time code input and a 1GbE interface.

EDT offers full FPGA-based design, development, and integration services for digital signal processing and digital communications systems. Click here to find out more.

For details on system requirements and EDT-provided software driver packages, see specifications for the main board.

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