OCM 2.7G Mezzanine

OCM 2.7G
Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA - OC48 SFP

OCM 2.7G is a mezzanine board that pairs with an AMC main board to support either 1GbE (optical or electrical ethernet) or OC3/12/48 (STM1/4/16), or both.It is available for either a full-size or a mid-size AMC slot.

The OCM 2.7G has two channels each support up to 2.7 Gbits per second via a small form pluggable (SFP) transceiver – one per channel.Each SFP supports 1GbE (optical or electrical), orOC3/12/48 (STM1/4/16) at 155.52, 622.08, or 2488.32 Mb/s (1310 nm). The board has one programmable Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA and three crystal oscillators (XOs) – one per channel and one additional – for internal reference. Each XO is independently programmable to any frequency from 10 to 215 MHz.

The board includes 1 GB of DDR2 DRAM, partitioned into two independent interfaces, for snapshot recording and data buffering. An optional TCAM supports additional data processing. EDT provides FPGA configuration files so you can input and output raw data, detect to a SONET/SDH frame,or descramble a framed signal. Custom configuration files can berequested. The main board supplies DMA, plus additional memory and programmable FPGA resources.


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