VisionLink RCX

VisionLink RCX fiberoptic Extenders for Base mode Camera Link
Camera Link to fiber extender | base mode

The VisionLink RCX replaces standard base mode Camera Link cabling with fiberoptic, extending the Camera Link range far beyond the limits of electrical cabling. Similar in size to a standard Camera Link connector, the VisionLink RCX modules support data rates up to 255 MB/s and pixel clock rates of 20-85 MHz.

Two VisionLink RCX modules, connected by fiberoptic cabling, comprise an extension cord between the camera and an EDT or third-party Camera Link framegrabber. Through the Camera Link standard MDR26 (or, with an adapter, the SDR26) connector on each device, one extender attaches to the camera and the other to the framegrabber. A fiberoptic cable then connects the two extenders by the SFP transceiver on the back of each, providing what is effectively a long-distance Camera Link cable.

Triggering / serial is provided via Camera Link, or externally via an optional Lemo connector.

The VisionLink RCX is similar to the RCX C-Link, and is compatible in base mode (single-connector) configurations.

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