Mezzanine boards - radio

PMC mezzanine boards for radio interfaces


SRXL2 Mezzanine

Xilinx Virtex 4 SX | L-band and IF receiver
The SRXL2 is a mezzanine board that pairs with an EDT main board to receive and process the following inputs: L-band inputs of 900 to 2250 MHz IF inputs of 160, 140, 70, or 21.4 MHz IF inputs below 90 MHz with a direct sampling path Any of the above L-band and IF inputs simultaneously... Read more »

SRXL Mezzanine

SRXL Mezzanine

Xilinx Spartan 3 | IF and L-band receiver
The SRXL is a mezzanine board that pairs with an EDT main board (for PCI or PCI Express) to accept simultaneous RF inputs in the L-band range of 925 to 2175 MHz and the IF range of 65 to 225 MHz. Each input is processed with a tunable quadrature down-converter. The resulting baseband I and... Read more »

EDT DRX16 Dual digitizer for DSP with 16-bit ADCs

DRX16 Mezzanine

Xilinx Virtex 6 LX FPGA | IF receiver
The DRX16 is a mezzanine board that pairs with a PCI Express main board to digitize two independent IF signals via 16-bit ADCs. The DRX16 has a configurable Xilinx Virtex 6 LX FPGA (XC6VLX240T) and two identical ports for 2 to 300 MHz, with independent gain and sample rate settings. EDT firmware and software are... Read more »